Rev. Liz Goodman, Lenox & Monterey UCC

Christ-like living is more than mastering a few talking points. But talking points can be useful when all the shouting dies down.

Direct download: Talking_Points_Sermon.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 9:01am EST

Sometimes a difference of opinion is also a show of respect. Sometimes critical thinking is a show of devotion. Liz isn't in total accord with 2nd Peter, but she surprises herself to discover she is in some ways. When righteous living lands on the left...

Direct download: What_Are_We_Waiting_For.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:21pm EST

This isn't a sermon, but a radio program that was aired on WSBS and recorded at their station in Great Barrington. It concerns an enormous issue, and only touches on one aspect of it. With much more to be said about the #metoo campaign and the events that precipitated it and the many more that have flowed from it, this is but the beginning of the conversation.

Direct download: metoo--12.10.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:44pm EST

This sermon is the first of the new church year, from the 1st Sunday of Advent. If you're exhausted by everything going in in the world, if you scroll your Facebook feed in some compulsive need for soothing but also disturbance, then this might be just what you need to hear.

Direct download: Nows_the_TIme--2.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 9:05pm EST