Rev. Liz Goodman, Lenox & Monterey UCC

The Easter imperative sets in, and some discover they want to be done with it already. Gnosticism, that evergreen heresy, wants to keep its hands clean--if it even will admit it has hands.

Direct download: Are_We_There_Yet.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 6:33am EST

Funny how there's always something to say.

Direct download: Good_Shepherd_Sunday.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 5:45am EST

You'll hear lawn mowers and other ambient noise because this was recorded with the windows open--our first gorgeous day in a long time! Liz has been wrestling with the notions of simulacrum and simulation, put forth by Jean Beaudrillard for a long time. With this, she might have finally figured them out. 

Direct download: Authentic_Reproduction.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 5:41am EST

Sheela Clary is here to speak about her many realms of work (mother, writer, grant writer, story teller, etc.) and how her faith informs her sense of purpose in those realms.

Direct download: REL_ROUNDTABLE_MAY_6.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:28pm EST

Mark's gospel ends on a strange note--fear. It's not what we've come to expect on Easter. But when you think about resurrection and what it asks of us, fear makes sense.

Check out Julia Esquivel's poem, "They Have Threatened Us With Resurrection."

Direct download: Easter_Sermon_2018.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 6:48pm EST

In this sermon, Liz considers the assumptions of white supremacy, even her own, and wonders more broadly about what sin-sickness God might be offering medicine for. As Moses lifted the serpent up that the people might be healed of their serpentine rhetoric, as Jesus was lifted up on the cross, God seems to have in mind medicine that we might be healed and might offering healing to our suffering world.  We're nearing the 50th anniversary of MLK's assassination. His thought about what plagued America, which he meant to be as physick in healing, were racism, poverty, and militarism. We have a lot of work of healing to do. God reveals the cure.

Direct download: Medicinal_Purposes.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:16pm EST

What do we mean when we talk about "religion"? And what happens to the essentially religious project of being a person among a people amidst the world when so many serious thinkers have given up on the task? Religion isn't the option we of the modern West might like to think it is. So can we engage the question more critically than just "Religion: yea or nay?" Can we have a more sophisticated and nuanced, and even critical, conversation evaluating religious impulse and expression as to how it serves in the world?

Direct download: Critical_Care.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 6:43pm EST

This sermon explores the strange, maybe surprising, connection between sexual encounters among people and God's timing amidst history. We could go silly in our naming it: "Double Entendre," or Coming to Completion," or, as one member of our congregation put it, "The Sexchaton," which had me laughing out loud in the receiving line following worship. But I decided to try a more earnest approach in labeling this, and I want to credit a conversation Emily Bazelon and Ross Douthat had on Slate's Political Gabfest, wherein they called us as a society to take "sex ed" more seriously and responsibly than just offering it as a course for credit in some high schools. This is my attempt to take up that responsibility. Why would the mainline church go silent in that conversation?

Direct download: Something_Sweet.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 5:41pm EST

This episode is evidence of my home studio and the fact that this production is a one-woman show. You'll hear me laughing at my son as he walks through the room, my dog shaking himself dry after a much needed shower, and a HUGE Freudian slip that is the stuff of preachers' nightmares. (Hint: I do not in fact think my son Tobias is Jesus.) I could try to correct it but it would take a long time for me to figure out how to do that. Plus, it could be a fun game. Log onto the church's Facebook page and let us know you caught it. First five people to do so get next week's podcast free! Facebook address: Monterey United Church of Christ. Web address:

Direct download: Monster_Mash.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 5:49pm EST

Can we have it both ways, strong and battle-ready though for an urgent mission of peace?

Direct download: Fight_Club.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 5:59pm EST

If war is a force that gives us meaning, is it riskier to consider the life of faith as just such a conflict or not to? 

Direct download: Showing_Up.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:18pm EST

Friendly beasts, magi and angels, facts and emblems, and how to read the Bible: another grab-bag sermon that might be like your stocking stuffed for Christmas morning. 

Direct download: Hungry_for_More.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 2:53pm EST

Christ-like living is more than mastering a few talking points. But talking points can be useful when all the shouting dies down.

Direct download: Talking_Points_Sermon.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 9:01am EST

Sometimes a difference of opinion is also a show of respect. Sometimes critical thinking is a show of devotion. Liz isn't in total accord with 2nd Peter, but she surprises herself to discover she is in some ways. When righteous living lands on the left...

Direct download: What_Are_We_Waiting_For.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:21pm EST

This isn't a sermon, but a radio program that was aired on WSBS and recorded at their station in Great Barrington. It concerns an enormous issue, and only touches on one aspect of it. With much more to be said about the #metoo campaign and the events that precipitated it and the many more that have flowed from it, this is but the beginning of the conversation.

Direct download: metoo--12.10.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:44pm EST

This sermon is the first of the new church year, from the 1st Sunday of Advent. If you're exhausted by everything going in in the world, if you scroll your Facebook feed in some compulsive need for soothing but also disturbance, then this might be just what you need to hear.

Direct download: Nows_the_TIme--2.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 9:05pm EST

An sermon wherein Shakespeare, Hunger Games, Han and Luke, Matthew and Jesus, catharsis, and "the least of these" all come out to play, published with apologies for the recording glitch in the middle of it.

Direct download: Hell_Hath_No_Fury.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 3:15pm EST

A sermon in which fiery Amos gets the better of Liz, preached on November 12, 2017.

Direct download: Thoughts_and_Prayers.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:23pm EST

A sermon concerning the proliferation of opioids, the grip of addiction (personally and socially), and the profits to made of it all, in which a line from "Thor: Ragnarok" is surprisingly apropos: "Proud to have it, ashamed of how he got it." From Nov. 5, 2017.

Direct download: Profts_and_Loss--2.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 11:26am EST

Liz preached this sermon in Monterey, Massachusetts on October 22, 2017.

Direct download: The_Things_of_this_World.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 6:19pm EST

Liz Goodman preached this sermon in Monterey on September 24, 2017.

Direct download: Spiceys_Back.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:39pm EST

Liz Goodman wrote this for the Lent 2018 edition of Journal for Preachers and preached it in Monterey on September 10, 2017

Direct download: Row_Row_Row_Our_Boat.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 5:48pm EST

Liz Goodman preached this on October 1, 2017 at the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, MA.

Direct download: Flirting_with_Disaster.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 3:06pm EST

This sermon is to say good-bye to one of our beloved members. His last Sunday with us was Oct. 8, 2017.

Direct download: Barts_Last_Sunday.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:02am EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Liz Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on August 6, 2017, 2016.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.

Direct download: 08-06-2017_Grief_and_Greivance.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:28pm EST


This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Liz Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on January 22, 2017, 2016.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.

Direct download: 01-22-2017_No.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 1:24pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Liz Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on January 8, 2017.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.

Direct download: 01-08-2017_Of_Racer_Snakes.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 1:21pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Liz Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on January 1, 2017.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.

Direct download: 01-01-2017_Holiday_Embellishments.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 1:18pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Liz Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on December 11, 2016.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.

Direct download: 12-11-2016_Right_Wrong.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:15pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Liz Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on November 20, 2016.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.

Direct download: 11-20-2016_The_End.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 8:25pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Liz Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on November 13, 2016.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.

Direct download: 11-13-2016_In_the_Wake.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 6:06am EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Liz Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on October 9, 2016.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.  

Direct download: 10-09-2016_Thanks_a_Lot.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 2:26pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Liz Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on October 2, 2016.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.  

Direct download: 10-02-2016_Minority_Report.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 2:24pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Liz Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on September 25, 2016.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.  

Direct download: 09-25-2016_A_Gentle_Reminder.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 2:21pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Liz Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on September 11, 2016.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.  

Direct download: 09-11-2016_Sixteen_and_Counting.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 2:15pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Liz Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on August 28, 2016.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.  

Direct download: 08-28-2016_Love_of_the_Strange.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 2:13pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Liz Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on August 7, 2016.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.  

Direct download: 08-07-2016_Critical_Thinking.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 6:45pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Liz Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on July 31, 2016.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.  

Direct download: 07-31-2016_What_Is_God.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 3:33pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Liz Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on July 24, 2016.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.  

Direct download: 07-24-2016_Teach_Us_To_Pray.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 3:28pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Liz Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on July 10, 2016.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.  

Direct download: 07-10-2016_Black_Lives_Matter.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 3:23pm EST

One of These Things is Not Like the Other

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Liz Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on July 3, 2016.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.  

Direct download: 07-03-2016_One_of_These_Things_is_Not_Like_the_Other.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 12:34pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Liz Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on June 12, 2016.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.  

Direct download: 06-12-2016_Monstrous.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:51pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Liz Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on June 5, 2016.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.  

Direct download: 06-05-2016_Damsels_Without_Distress.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:15pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Liz Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on May 22, 2016.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.  

Direct download: 05-22-2016_Not_Why_But_Why_Not.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 4:35pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Liz Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on May 8, 2016.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.  

Direct download: 05-08-2016_When_Being_Is_Doing.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:06pm EST

Of vagabondage,

a path of least resistance

beckons and lies, right?

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Liz Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on May 1, 2016.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.  

Direct download: 05-01-2016_Vagabondage.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 5:54pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Liz Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on April 3, 2016.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.  

Direct download: 04-03-2016_Blame_Game.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:59pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Liz Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on March 6, 2016.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.  

Direct download: 03-06-2016_Unforbidden.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:57pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Liz Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on April 24, 2016.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.  

Direct download: 04-24-2016_Room_for_One_More.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 6:37pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Liz Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on April 17, 2016.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.  

Direct download: 04-17-2016_New_Normal.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 8:49am EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Liz Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on March 27, 2016.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.  

Direct download: 03-27-2016_Easter.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 6:03pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Nancy Taylor from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on March 13, 2016.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.  

Direct download: 03-13-2016_Guest_Preacher.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:35pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Liz Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on February 21, 2016.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.  

Direct download: 02-21-2016_Hen_in_the_Foxhouse.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:34am EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Liz Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on February 7, 2016.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.  

Direct download: 02-07-2016_Moving_On.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:05pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Liz Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on January 24, 2016.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.  

Direct download: 02-24-2016_What_He_Didnt_Say.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 2:53pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Liz Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on December 13, 2015.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.  

Direct download: 12-13-2015_John_II.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 5:15pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Liz Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on January 10, 2016.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.  

Direct download: 01-10-2016_Cows_in_the_Meadow.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 5:09pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Liz Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on January 3, 2016.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.  

Direct download: 01-03-2016_Weird_Pleasures.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:18pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Liz Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on December 6, 2015.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.  

Direct download: 12-06-2015_John_I.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 6:47pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Liz Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on November 22, 2015.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.  

Direct download: 11-22-2015_Two_for_One.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 6:54pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Liz Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on November 8, 2015.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.  

Direct download: 11-08-2015_White_Widow.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 8:53pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Liz Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on October 25, 2015.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.  

Direct download: 10-25-2015_Work_That_Body.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Liz Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on October 4, 2015.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.  

Direct download: 10-04-2015_Radical_Feminist.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:45pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Liz Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on September 27, 2015.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.  

Direct download: 09-25-2015_What_to_Cut_Out.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:54pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Liz Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on September 13, 2015.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.  

Direct download: 09-13-2015_Meaning_in_the_Waiting.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:50pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Liz Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on September 6, 2015.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.  

Direct download: 09-06-2015_Beyond_Beyond.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 11:30am EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Elizabeth R. Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on August 9, 2015.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.  

Direct download: 08-09-2015_Gossip.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:36pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Elizabeth R. Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on August 2, 2015.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.  

Direct download: 08-02-2015_There_You_Are.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 11:40am EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Elizabeth R. Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on July 12, 2015.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.  

Direct download: 07-12-2015_Plumb_Line.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 8:22pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Elizabeth R. Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on July 5, 2015.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.  

Direct download: 07-05-2015_Not_Super_Just_Regular.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:03pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Elizabeth R. Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on June 7, 2015.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.  Additional music by Adam Brown, Patty Fox, and Hannah Fries.

Direct download: 06-28-2015_Flow.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 10:53am EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Elizabeth R. Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on June 7, 2015.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.  Additional music by Adam Brown, Patty Fox, and Hannah Fries.

Direct download: 06-28-2015_Flow.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 10:53am EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Elizabeth R. Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on June 7, 2015.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.  Additional music by Adam Brown, Patty Fox, and Hannah Fries.

Direct download: 06-28-2015_Flow.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 10:53am EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Elizabeth R. Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on June 7, 2015.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.  Additional music by Adam Brown, Patty Fox, and Hannah Fries.

Direct download: 06-28-2015_Flow.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 10:53am EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Elizabeth R. Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on June 7, 2015.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.  Additional music by Adam Brown, Patty Fox, and Hannah Fries.

Direct download: 06-28-2015_Flow.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 10:53am EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Elizabeth R. Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on June 7, 2015.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.  Additional music by Adam Brown, Patty Fox, and Hannah Fries.

Direct download: 06-28-2015_Flow.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 10:53am EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Elizabeth R. Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on June 7, 2015.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.  Additional music by Adam Brown, Patty Fox, and Hannah Fries.

Direct download: 06-28-2015_Flow.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 10:52am EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Elizabeth R. Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on June 14, 2015.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.

Direct download: 06-14-2015_Steal_This_Sermon.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 10:35am EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Elizabeth R. Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on June 7, 2015.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.

Direct download: 06-07-2015_Positivity_Dominance.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 8:58pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Elizabeth R. Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on May 31, 2015.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.

Direct download: 05-31-2015_Fixing_this_Inadequate_Frame.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:09pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Elizabeth R. Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on May 4, 2015.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.

Direct download: 05-04-2015_Refugee_or_Apostle.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 8:48am EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Elizabeth R. Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on April 26, 2015.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.

Direct download: 04-26-2015_Christianity_Its_a_Faith_of_Matter.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 1:31pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Elizabeth R. Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on April 12, 2015.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.

Direct download: 04-12-2015_Response_and_Responsibility_2.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 8:27am EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Elizabeth R. Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on April 5, 2015.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.

Direct download: 04-05-2015_Easter_2015.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:34pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Elizabeth R. Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on March 22, 2015.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.

Direct download: 03-22-2015_Lent_Concentrate.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 4:27pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Elizabeth R. Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on February 8, 2015.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.

Direct download: 03-08-2015_Not_That-_Not_That_Either.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 4:21pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Elizabeth R. Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on March 1, 2015.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.

Direct download: 03-01-2015_Awe_Perfectum.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 4:11pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Elizabeth R. Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on February 8, 2015.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.

Direct download: 02-08-2015_Waiting_on_Tables.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:57pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Elizabeth R. Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on January 25, 2015.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.

Direct download: 02-01-2015_Promise_and_Compromise.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:25pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Elizabeth R. Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on January 25, 2015.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.

Direct download: 1-25-2015_Ask_Not_What_God_Needs_of_You.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:46pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Elizabeth R. Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on January 11, 2015.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.

Direct download: 1-11-2015_Out_In_the_Open.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 4:23pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Elizabeth R. Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on January 4, 2015.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.

Direct download: 01-04-2015_Christmas_Concentrate.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 6:55pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Elizabeth R. Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on December 14, 2014.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.

Direct download: 12-14-2014_This_Little_Light_of_Yours.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 6:41pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Elizabeth R. Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on December 7, 2014.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.

Direct download: 12-7-2014_Following_the_Deaths_of_Eric_and_Michael.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:05pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Elizabeth R. Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on November 23, 2014.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.

Direct download: 11-23-2014_The_Least_of_These.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:43pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Elizabeth R. Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on November 9, 2014.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Elizabeth R. Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on November 2, 2014.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.

Direct download: 11-02-2014_Leash_of_Longing.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:21pm EST

This sermon was delivered by Rev. Elizabeth Goodman on September 26, 2014 at Wellesley Village Church in Wellesley, Massachusetts.

Direct download: 10-26-2014_Liz_Garrigan_Byerlys_Installation.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 8:28pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Elizabeth R. Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on October 26, 2014.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.

Direct download: 10-26-2014_Dinner_Parties.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 8:22pm EST

This Sermon was delivered by Rev. Elizabeth R. Goodman from the pulpit of the Monterey United Church of Christ in Monterey, Massachusetts, on October 12, 2014.  Introduction and closing music is performed by Eric Martin, with voice by Dan Wing.  We are grateful to Richard Weber for his permission to use his painting of Monterey for the album art.

Direct download: 10-12-2014_So_Which_Is_It.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 5:28pm EST